Book a Consult.
For Telehealth appointments you can now book directly using the booking form below.
If there is no availability that works for you, please email us and we will try to accomodate a special appointment time. We know how hard it is to work around little people and life commitments!
Consultation Fees.
Initial Consults- $240.00
This includes a 60 minute detailed consultation with a comprehensive assessment, dietary analysis and detailed plan that is tailored to your little one’s individual needs. This also includes review of any pathology, a tailored supplement and meal plan if needed.
Follow Up Support - $129.00
This can be added on to any appointment.
It provides 2 weeks of unlimited email follow up support to ensure you are feeling confident and we can work through any challenges together without having to wait for a follow up appointment.
(ideal for families managing allergies, intolerances and elimination diets).
Comprehensive Review- $175.00
This 45 minute consultation gives us the time to review your progress before we create a detailed and individualised follow up plan for your family. This is idea for allergy families or if there is more than 1-2 things that we need to cover in the session.
Express Review- $120.00
This 30 minute express consultation is for follow up appointments that only require a check in or review of 1-2 things. We check progress and adjust the plan as needed to ensure you feel confident and things are on track.
Medicare, NDIS, Private Health and Compassionate Access Fees
We support many families with NDIS funding, but we like to discuss what your family needs before booking an appointment. Please send us an email so we can chat before booking.
We also work with many families using Chronic Disease Management Plans, Eating Disorder Plans and Team Care Agreements. These plans may mean that you get a Medicare rebate that covers a portion of your consultation. Please chat to your GP or email us to discuss further before booking.
Some Private Health funds will also cover dietetic services- but please check with your individual fund prior to booking. Clients are responsible for lodging their own claims with their individual fund.
One last thing- we know that the increasing cost of living is making it really hard for many families at the moment. If the cost of accessing our services is a barrier to receiving the care and support you need, please send us an email. On occasion we can offer compassionate access appointments at a reduced fee.